Thursday, October 2, 2008

Automatic Document Summery generation

Automatic document summery generation is the process of generating summery of any document without manual intervention. We need this kind of systems because now a days we are dealing with huge volume of data and it is simply impossible to visualize it manually.
Summery of a document can be generated in two ways...
  1. Text Extraction: Selecting those sentences from the document which are of greater importance and represent the whole document. While selecting sentences we ensure that summery should be redundancy free. That is if we have already selected a sentence then we exclude all other sentences with similar meaning.
  2. Natural Language Generation: This method is similar to the manual way of summery generation. This kind of summery don't contains sentences from the document.
It has been proved that the text extraction method is better way because it represent views of the author rather than the understanding of summery writer.

to be continued...

1 comment:

kTiwari said...

I think the only fact given in favour of text extraction is not enough. One more point is that the later one is very hard to implement at least for now with current available technologies.